~The beauty of life is to experience yourself~ Yogi

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Dear Oprah,

After watching your show on Friday, which is really the show that aired on Thursday but we get it here in Germany at 8am the following morning, I find myself a little perplexed. The show that I am speaking about is the show where you (Oprah) had an "AH HA" moment and realized the sacrifice that our service members make on a daily basis.

I work out at this time in the morning and usually enjoy your show and all of the mental stimulation it brings while I am sweating away. This week alone I watched shows from Australia, a show about how far the gay movement has come and your (Oprah) contribution to this movement, and a show on happiness with Goldie Hawn teaching us her life lessons regarding the subject. You may be sensing my sarcasm a wee bit.

However, Friday's show (really Thursday) really affected me. So much that I had to write about my feelings, part of me wants to scream FIN AL LY!!! The other half makes me want to grab you by the shoulders and say SERIOUSLY??? I'm feeling half enraged and half ecstatic. Enraged because how in the world can a person of your spiritual and mental muster not contemplate the sacrifices of our military families during two wars? You have SOO much empathy for everyone and every subject, but never even thought about the people that bring you the freedom to air your shows that allow you a voice in the first place? Wow, that is a travesty. You've never been to Arlington National Cemetary? Seriously?

I am what I think of as a loving, pretty spiritually connected person but honestly my mind is filling with lots of not so nice thoughts regarding your agenda. Your agenda that we as America have bought and allowed ourselves to be moved to the places you felt we needed to go. It makes me so sad you forgot the men and women of our armed forces, men like my husband who are willing to sacrifice everything and not ask for a single thing in return.

See I live in a military community so I can not close my eyes to the effects of war, the widows, and the husbands who come home maimed either physically or mentally. I know the widows of this war. I've seen children left behind for a year with grandparents because both parents are deployed. I've watched the mess families become because of multiple deployments. I've watched my own husband come home a changed and different person. I know the effects of this war too well. As a military spouse I don't whine about it, I don't push my agenda because I don't really have one.

My other response to Friday's show comes from my heart. I am so thrilled that you finally took the time to see and try to understand these brave and honorable people. I know what you can do and know the power of your endorsement and hope this will make a positive difference in a very deserving group of American lives. Maybe next time you go somewhere like Australia, instead of taking your most loyal viewers you will think about the ones on who's blood sweat and tears you've thrived. A little late, but I'm glad you came around.

Friday, January 28, 2011

My love for Football and Texas

I guess I'm one of THOSE girls that once you've got me figured out I pull a bait and switch on you. I'm the girl that likes to gut a fish but also adores couture. Don't try to label me, I hate that. You know what they say about women, you can't figure us out. I think I define that theory everyday.

I just finished re-watchinig an episode of Friday Night Lights, hands down, my favorite television show OF ALL TIMES and it got me thinking about how my love for this show surprises me.

I'm a little late to the FNL bandwagon, and if it hadn't been for my horrible television choices while living overseas I would have never taken the time to watch my first FNL. I finally gave into my husbands gentle nudges to give it a try, and within one episode I was HOOKED. Hooked in a crazy have to remind myself they are television characters way. The girl who doesn't even watch TV, needless to say, can not wait for season 5 to be released on DVD.

I couldn't even begin to tell you what it is that I love so much about this TV show. The characters, these kids with all the odds against them each episode show their determination to grow and become something, to get out of their impoverished small town that lives and breaths only one thing, football. It is the heart of each and every character that I've fallen in love with.

This got me to thinking just how crazy it is that, a show about football and Texas, two things I don't much care about have touched me so deeply I can't even describe. I guess I even surprised myself.

I'm so thankful for this simple pleasure, and thankful for the reminder if I allow myself to be open, the possibilities are beyond what I can see.

 Clear eyes, and full hearts can't lose!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bonjour Alsace


Le Petite Venice, Colmar
What could be better than a weekend in France? For me, not much can top a trip to one of my favorite countries in the world. No where else would I rather be where you eat so good, drink fantastic wine and experience beauty so profound. This trip my family and I were so lucky to travel to the world renowned wine region of Alsace, France, which is a short 2 hour drive from my home in Germany. This beautiful well traveled area is famous for it's vineyards, small medieval villages and of course castles that dot the beautiful Les Vosges mountains. This was my second trip to the area but my first time visiting Colmar and the lovely villages that surround it.

I really love France and how it always surprises me. Every time I visit I'm taken aback by how friendly the people are. I really don't know why they get such a bad rap, but I find the French to be very polite, kind and generous people. I might be imagining this, but I always feel a bit of sincere appreciation and friendship in our interactions. I imagine it is because of my country's assistance in removing tyranny from their country many years ago. I also find myself surprised by how simple their lives seem, and I mean that in a GOOD way. Their love of beauty is evident and their uncluttered, simple and modest lives contribute to this. The french style is so effortless. I think sometimes I have gotten this love of beauty confused and I need to remind myself that beauty is an effortless thing.


On our weekend getaway, our first stop was the village Riquewihr. This tiny village was so well preserved that it felt like a movie set. I kept waiting for Steven Spielberg to come around the corner and say, "Cut!" We arrived around 10am on Saturday morning and not a creature was stirring, but possibly a mouse. I think we didn't get the after Christmas memo that stated the French were taking it easy this particular weekend. It was very amusing how all the shops VERY slowly opened, almost like they didn't have a set schedule but opened based on convenience. We also found it extremely amusing that throughout all of the villages they still had all of their Christmas decorations intact, garlands, St.Nicholas and flocked Christmas trees were so bizarre to see still hanging around.

One of my favorite experiences was a visit to the castle Haut-Koenigsbourg. This castle sits 800 meters high, the panoramic views were magnificent. It is hard for me to wrap my brain around seeing something standing that is originally from the 12th century. We also spent the afternoon hiking to 2 ruined castles overlooking the village of Ribeauville. We had a great time and enjoyed such a magnificent view. This was a completely unplanned expedition so I was not appropriately dressed, with my knee high boots, black jeans, down coat and wool sweater I was definitely more Posh than Sporty. Not my brightest move, but I was unwilling to miss out on the experience because of a wardrobe error. I wish I knew what the french were thinking each time we passed each other during the hike. Either they were thinking what a fool or how stylish a hiker is she?

I have a love affair with the french culture for so many reasons the least of these is their bread products. I could survive on bread products alone! The smells and sights of each bakery were almost to much for this girl to bear.  Bread weakens my best efforts at willpower, it is definitely my Kryptonite. It is so sweet to me, to watch the French culture moving about with their bread products, it seems either they are always on their way to the bakery or returning with a armful of baguettes. My husband joked he wanted to marry each bakery maiden for her oven. I can't blame him! 

Au Revoir!

Alsace Poster



Haut Ribeaupierre & Saint Ulrich Ruins

Monday, January 10, 2011

Porsche There is No Substitute

Excess...yet insanely beautiful...who can afford these works of art?  Recently my family and I visited the Porsche Museum in Zuffenhausen a suburb near Stuttgart about 5 minutes from my house. Living here in Stuttgart, I can't tell you how bizarre it is to have Porsche's factory about 5 minutes in one direction and the Mercedes Benz factory another 5 minutes in the opposite direction. As we drive our Honda Odyssey for a day at the museum, my husband makes the same joke he often makes "We drive a minivan by CHOICE damn it". The truth is he would love nothing more than to have a Porsche one day. He also frequently jokes to the kids that when we kick them out of the nest he and I will be cruising in style with no crumb snatchers screaming from the back seat. This of course, makes me feel sad thinking about the day they will be gone, grown and living lives of their own. I don't want to rush to his dream. I know there is so much more to life than that 50 something guy driving around alone with the wind in his hair. My husband knows this too, he just likes to dream. My husband who never asks for anything, never lets anyone buy him something he deems as unneeded, yet continually provides for us. My guy is the most giving selfless person I know. He truly lives for his family and to own a Porsche one day would be a well deserved gift. If you have every seen the movie The Family Man, with Nicolas Cage, a Porsche would be his Mary Jane's!

I don't think of Porsche's as real cars, more like works of art. As we admire each and every one, I find myself asking who in the world can afford these price tags? The crazy part is that SO many people drive these fine automobiles in Europe and especially in Germany. Something I didn't know until recently is that in Germany with their higher tax system an employee isn't very motivated by a raise from their employer. However, a Porsche or other type of automobile is often given as a raise/incentive. How can I be down! Kind of like, how in the States many jobs come with the perk of a car, but I don't think anyone in the States gets a Porsche, maybe a few big sales figure guys or an occasional executive. Not so true in Germany, Porsche's are like Honda Accords around here.

I will confess with so many beauteous automobiles whipping past me on the autobahn, I am a wee bit jealous and feel a wee bit inadequate in my minivan (cringe). When the kiddos are grown and we aren't lugging around a 100lb dog then I can cruise in a car more fitting for my personality. Until then, I guess it is a choice.
This would be my car! A 4 door Porsche, how functional!


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Winter Solstice

Okay, so now that the festivities are over it is just you and I old man winter; settling in for a long winters nap. Now that the holiday cheer is gone there is nothing left but the memories of a very festive season. All the decorations and lights are gone that made the cold weather seem so inviting. No more yummy baked goods as we all have committed to cleaning up our act for the new year. There seems to be nothing left but the dark dreary days of a long winter. Since this is my fourth winter in Germany I know what to expect, but I'm not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.  I know there will be months and months of gloomy and dark miserably cold days ahead.  Days where I will daydream and wish for a sunny warm spring somewhere in the distant horizon.

I asked my husband to take these pictures of beautiful snow people that were created in my neighborhood. They seem so happy and hopeful for the long winter that still remains. Whomever created them, thank you for the reminder there is still beauty around us. I will try to remember their eternal optimism as I'm stuck in the snow and ice and I will do my best to stay hopeful for the bright sunny spring in my future.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I am not a person who believes in dwelling in the past. Generally, regret has no space in my thoughts. That's why it was so easy to come up with a title for my blog. "It Is What It Is", words I live by everyday. A person can't  change the past, we can only change the future so live each moment to the fullest because life is only a short moment on this earth.

However, with the New Year beginning it is natural to reflect on the year's past. When I start reflecting I sometimes wonder about regret.

I love my life, and have a very full and happy one. Sometimes I think about my life, and how I left home at the age of 18 never to return to my hometown or the state in which I was born. When I think about this it makes me wonder if this is normal?  Have I missed out on many things?  This gets me to think about regret, Do I regret all these years living so far away? Do I regret not being there for family and friends because of the life I have chosen? I'm not sure I chose my life. I love everything about my life, but if you told me this is where I would be, I would never believe you in a million years. If you told me I would be a career military wife, who home schools her children, who has spent much of her adult life living overseas I wouldn't believe you for sure. Don't get me wrong, I pictured myself married to my sweet husband, but I always pictured a more "normal" life. A life that was closer to the normalcy I knew growing up in my small town with my family and friends.  My life always feels like we are venturing into a new frontier, always challenging and looking forward. Maybe that is what we are supposed to do in life, push ourselves past our comfort zone.

As I briefly think about regret, I know there is no space for it in my mind. As I stated earlier, we can't change the past. I am sad for lost friendships and a family I've hardly known, but who am I to question the life that has been chosen for me. All I have done to deserve the blessings in my life is accept the path in front of me. This reminds me of Julie Andrews and The Sound of Music. When both Maria and Captain Von Trapp confess their true feelings for each other Maria and the Captain sing the song "Something Good". I always relate to this song and question what I did to deserve so much good in my life.

I wish everyone a happy new year. Don't waste time on regret, follow your path where ever it leads you, it knows best. And love the friends and family you have from where ever you are.

I wanted to include a excerpt of this lovely song from the Sound of Music, however living overseas I'm unable to access certain copyrighted material. So...I've included the best version available. If you're in the states, go to YouTube and hear Julie sing the real song.