~The beauty of life is to experience yourself~ Yogi

Friday, January 28, 2011

My love for Football and Texas

I guess I'm one of THOSE girls that once you've got me figured out I pull a bait and switch on you. I'm the girl that likes to gut a fish but also adores couture. Don't try to label me, I hate that. You know what they say about women, you can't figure us out. I think I define that theory everyday.

I just finished re-watchinig an episode of Friday Night Lights, hands down, my favorite television show OF ALL TIMES and it got me thinking about how my love for this show surprises me.

I'm a little late to the FNL bandwagon, and if it hadn't been for my horrible television choices while living overseas I would have never taken the time to watch my first FNL. I finally gave into my husbands gentle nudges to give it a try, and within one episode I was HOOKED. Hooked in a crazy have to remind myself they are television characters way. The girl who doesn't even watch TV, needless to say, can not wait for season 5 to be released on DVD.

I couldn't even begin to tell you what it is that I love so much about this TV show. The characters, these kids with all the odds against them each episode show their determination to grow and become something, to get out of their impoverished small town that lives and breaths only one thing, football. It is the heart of each and every character that I've fallen in love with.

This got me to thinking just how crazy it is that, a show about football and Texas, two things I don't much care about have touched me so deeply I can't even describe. I guess I even surprised myself.

I'm so thankful for this simple pleasure, and thankful for the reminder if I allow myself to be open, the possibilities are beyond what I can see.

 Clear eyes, and full hearts can't lose!

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