~The beauty of life is to experience yourself~ Yogi

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Fairytale

My life is a fairytale. I guess all our lives are, if we choose to look at them that way. Living in Germany for me, is like living in a dream world. As I travel about, I can be taken back in time hundreds of years. Today was a great example of that. Our snow is all melted. I'm sure it will return very shortly but it was nice to have a day with none of the complications that snow so beautifully brings. Today I visited yet another Christmas Market here in Germany. We visited the town of Bad Wimpfen, which is a lovely small medieval town. Bad Wimpfen is very similar to many small German villages with a tower, part of a wall still surrounding it, beautiful churches and many lovely half timbered buildings. Many of these villages are up on a hill, overlooking the countryside and of course a river. Just like a fairytale, the location is for protection from any unwelcome visitors hundreds of years ago.  Bad Wimpfen's Weihnachts market was one of my favorites we have visited this year. The booths were spread along the tiny cobble stone streets. We also climbed the many wooden stairs to the top of the tower, which dated back to the early 1200's. How could this village be so old? This is so hard for me to understand, coming from a country that is so young in comparison. I loved my visit to this fairytale land.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your life. What amazing pictures.
